Wednesday, December 3, 2008

quick update

Just wanted to thank you all for your kind words and advice. Jason is doing a great deal better and I do hope that my dietary changes will be answer to this issue. I haven't had any more success with the bottle, although I admittedly haven't been trying too hard. I have been continuing with my altered diet, drinking TONS of water, and pumping.

He did pretty darn good yesterday, taking two decent naps while NOT strapped to my chest via Baby Bjorn. He napped once in the swing, and then later in my bed after nursing, waking briefly to eat again and then I was able to transfer him back to the swing for a bit longer of a nap. He did repay me for it though last night, havign a great deal of difficulty falling asleep. He was pretty cranky, but I don't THINK he was in pain, just over-tired and not sure how to fall asleep. He had a little more difficult of a night and did spit up a bit, but never the curdled nasty stuff he had been spitting up. I'm hoping it's just cause he was getting too much milk due to my supply increasing from pumping? I'm not sure, I guess I'm just spouting out theories. I'm great at making up theories.

Anyway, woke up as happy as a clam today and is now asleep in the swing. He has a talent for only napping when I have errands to do. He did this yesterday and then again today I fed him, put him in the swing while I went to gather my stuff to head to the grocery store, and came back to find him napping. He NEVER falls asleep like that when I'm attempting to get him to nap. LOL. But I can't complain. At least he's napping again!

Sorry, guess that wasn't such a "quick update" after all. Oops.

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