Saturday, January 31, 2009

a quote to make you laugh

Today, as we were driving home from Walgreens, Tyler and I were going back and forth about whom loved each other more (if you have ever read "Guess how much I love you" you'll know what I mean). I'd say "I love you to the moon" and he'd say "I love you to the moon and back" or something like that. This comment took the cake though...

"I love you all the way up to Uranus".

And, yes, he pronounced it "your anus", not a "short a" sound (is that the right terminology?...oh the elementary school English lessons seem so far away).

Oh, come on, don't tell me I'm the only one that thinks that's funny?!?!


Homemade Happenings said...

That's hillarious!! Thanks for making me laugh! We love that book here, btw. I read it outloud while pregnant even!

Melodie said...

You should have come back with, "Well, I love you all the way up to your head!"