Saturday, January 17, 2009

clothing curiosity...

Today, as I sit here in my MixFest long-sleeve t-shirt, I realized that this shirt is REALLY old (as far as clothing goes). I know I was in college when I attended this festival, and I want to say it was maybe junior year, so we're talking 10 years ago. Don't get me wrong, there isn't much you can do or say to convince me to rid myself of some very sentimental items (aka: comfy 'round the house clothing) from my wardrobe, but I'm thinking a spring cleaning is in order.

I took a peak at my closet, and it's pretty full. I probably wear MAYBE 1/10th of it. Some of the excess is because I THINK that maybe, just maybe, the moons will align properly and I'll be back in a size 6, but lets face it, it isn't likely. Some of it is because it's nice clothing that I had when I was working and I just don't get a chance to wear it anymore. Some of it is that kind of clothing that you like, and looks great on other people, but then it just sits in your closet.

So, feel free to comment and let me know if you have any criteria for what stays and what goes. If it's beyond a certain age, does it go? If it isn't worn for a certain period of time, does it go? If it doesn't fit, does it go? Inquiring minds want to know...


Homemade Happenings said...

I usually go with "if it hasn't been worn in a year" it goes...but considering you just had a baby, that wouldn't be a very logical approach. Sorry I'm no help! Good luck!

Karen said...

I'm the same...if it hasn't been worn in a year, toss it. If it's too big...get rid of it. If it's one size too small and you are trying to loose weight, keep it. If it's 2 or more sizes too small, toss it. JMO