Wednesday, January 21, 2009

prayer request

I know I have a lot of friends who are good at praying, so I have a prayer request.

Today I called my mom and I knew she sounded "off". I asked what was wrong. She was obviously attempting to hide something. Then I remembered that last week she had had a mole on her leg biopsied. I asked if she got the results back. Bingo. Apparently she has melanoma, which if you don't know about it, feel free to read here. They ran some blood work and did a chest x-ray and she will be seeing a specialist on Tuesday for them to test (I believe) her liver and lymph nodes. I hope to be back soon with good news and hopefully they caught this very early!

I did ask permission from my mom first to post this, as she hasn't told people yet, and she did say it was okay because none of her friends or anything obviously read my blog. Mom, if I did get any of this information wrong, please let me know and I'll correct it. Obviously I was sort of in a state of shock when the information came.

The good news is that her therapists (yes, she's still in therapy for her knee, and making slow but steady progress) that she could come here for the weekend! She had booked a flight months ago when Spirit had some really cheap fares, but up until now she wasn't sure she'd be able to come being that she has to be strapped to a CPM machine (to help bend her knee continually) for many hours a day. Well, looks like she's coming. I think it will be a nice break for us all!


Homemade Happenings said...

I can't even begin to imagine the range of emotions you and your mom must be feeling right now. I'm not going to pretend to have any wordsof wisdon, just know that she will be in our prayers and I hope to hear some good news on this soon.

Melodie said...

I'm praying for you, Mom!

Tiffany said...

I'll definitely keep your mom in my prayers, Heather. So sorry to hear this news. Keep us updated.

Mike Dominik said...

Heather, your Mom is in my prayers, and I hope that if she's just noticing it, she caught it early. You may recall I had a melanoma diagnosis in 2000, after my sister had it the year before (at her calf). Mine was diagnosed as "in-situ", meaning it never spread to lymph nodes. I know some other folks who've had successful treatments for more progressive cases. Also, we get our kids checked over every year, because it can run in families (we have a 30ish cousin with it too) with fair complexions. I'm sure you are reading up on it and how to do visual inspections. Please give her my regards and know she'll be in many prayers. UM