Wednesday, January 9, 2008

New Look!

I finally caved. I let Al "buzz" Tyler's head. If the child would have just let me TAKE him somewhere to have it cut it would not have come to this. But alas, he's stubborn. I have NO idea where he gets his stubbornness from???? My mother would tell you it's me, but I insist otherwise. LOL. Anyway, I must say my husband did a fairly decent job, considering he had to cut it while Tyler hung to my neck.
You might be wondering why you are so lucky as to have TWO blog entries tonight. That's because I've taken on the task of creating a photo book for my parents (through Snapfish) as a thank-you for having taken us on our cruise (a good portion of it was paid for by them as our Christmas presents). I finally had access to the last of the pictures tonight, so I was on a mission. So, now my mind is going a thousand miles a minute and I can't sleep, but the photo book has been created! I can't wait for it to arrive.

As for my scrapbooking, well, I did manage to do one sad little it wasn't a lot of "me time". However, I successfully said "screw it" to my laundry!

Is it fairly obvious that I have a bit of "mania" in my blood?

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