Sunday, May 4, 2008

sick boy(s) update

So, last night went better than I expected. He got up shortly after I posted, and was still burning up. I brought him in our bed and let him watch TV (thank goodness for on-demand free kids shows). His fever must have broken because he became relatively chatty and even asked to eat something and ate probably almost a cup of dry cheerios and drank some ice water. We finally got him back in bed by midnight and he felt mostly fever-free. It wasn't too bad of a night. And Al slept through the night without bothering me. LOL.

Tyler managed to sleep through the night and was up by about 6:45. He felt a little warm, but not bad. He said he felt okay, but all he did was lie on the couch ALL morning. He didn't even ask to eat, never whined, never played anything. I did get him to eat a few Cheerios and he drank some Pedialyte and had an ice pop. He later had less than 1/4c of chicken noodle soup. He started running a fever again of 102 and I got him some Tylenol. He then napped for 2.75 hours. He is STILL running a fever of 101.5, despite the Tylenol so I finally just dosed him with some Motrin and hopefully the fever will go down. If not I might run him down to urgent care just for my own peace of mind. Poor little guy!

1 comment:

Working Mama said...

Sorry it has hit your house too - hoping today is better and Tyler feels a lot more like himself!