Sunday, May 4, 2008

sick boy(s) update 2

Well, Tyler's fever seems to be staying down with just Tylenol for now. He has been acting 100% fine since probably 4:30pm. He is playing, drinking, and eating fairly normally. He says he feels fine. I guess we shall see what tonight brings. At this point he's begging me NOT to take him to the doctor, lol.

As for Al, well, he apparently is pain free. That didn't keep him from watching TV and "resting my eyes" all day long today. I should be more sympathetic because he did just have surgery, but I guess the pregnant crampy lady with sick child just doesn't have it in her. He'll be leaving tonight to drive to Jacksonville again for his follow-up appointment. I'd prefer he not drive at all, but he did agree to drive tonight instead of tomorrow morning so that the bright sunlight does not bother him (the bright light is most bothersome to him, apparently he can see okay otherwise). With any luck they'll have good news to report. I sure hope so, because he can't logically drive home from Jacksonville without corrected vision.


Working Mama said...

Glad Tyler is feeling better - hope it continues and hope your other "big" sick boy is better too. Isn't it funny how these big strong men can turn into little boys when they are sick - I know mine does! LOL. Hope YOU stay well - the house won't run if Momma is sick!

Scarlett said...

Glad everyone is feeling better. How did Al's follow-up go?