Sunday, February 17, 2008

Just barely holding on

For possibly the first time ever, I'm seriously at a loss as to how I will handle life once Al goes back to work. He has been almost entirely in charge of Tyler this whole weekend, as I've been spending my time in bed...all day long. This entry shall be short, as I am sure to get dizzy any second now.


Karen said...

I can help you Heather. Just let me know and Joshua and I will come play with Tyler so you can take a nap or lay in bed. I'm serious. Let me know. I know how you feel.

Melodie said...

Maybe you could stock-pile some activities that you and Tyler could do together in your bed. I was about Tyler's age when my mom was on bedrest with my second brother and I helped take care of myself and my mom. I remember it being a pleasant time for me.
Of course, hopefully, your morning/all-day sickness will pass soon.

Heather said...

Thanks ladies for the support. Luckily Al had off today and tomorrow Tyler has preschool so hopefully he'll go willingly and I'll get 2 hours to lie in bed. Wish me luck!

Hill said...

Don't feel bad-- just don't. You will figure out a daily routine that works best for you AND Tyler, without running yourself into the ground. It's only temporary, and it certainly won't scar him for life or anything if you need to lay down. The first couple of weeks of morning sickness are the worst, because you just aren't used to it yet. It'll get better.