Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Earth Day!

Today was a pretty good day. For starters, while Tyler was at school, Jason took a nice little nap in my arms while I caught up on The Biggest Loser. Afterwards we picked Tyler up at school, grabbed a quick lunch, and head for the playground. My friend Scarlett was hosting a Juicy Juice house party, so a bunch of us from our play group met up at the park. Jason got passed from person to person, so I got to sit and talk with the ladies without breaking my back holding the baby. After Jen finally gave him up, Julie took over and even succeeded in getting to nap. Apparently she must be the baby whisperer because she can get all babies to sleep. For a while there I thought Jason was gonna break her streak, but he gave in! Meanwhile Tyler played for probably 3 hours. We tasted some juice, had good conversation, and head home in time to make dinner. Jason later napped in the swing which gave me time to finally print the iron-on to make his cloth diaper t-shirt. I learned 2 things from this process.

1)Old stained onesies that have been bleached will have their stains reappear upon ironing them.

2)It helps to confirm that the iron-on is facing the right direction.

After a second try I finally got it right! I wanted some pics of him in his cloth diaper shirt (after all it was earth day) so we went outside. Jason had a ball outside. He would hear a bird and try to follow it, often tipping right over.

Tyler was in a particularly playful mood, even offering to be in pictures!

It was a good day. I won't even allow the crappy movie that Al picked to ruin my night!


Debbie said...

I love when shirts are original and if the iron-on is upside down, that makes it more special....

The boys keep getting cuter....Jason is such a happy little baby....It sounds like (hopefully) he has started to outgrow some of this digestive struggles.....

Christine said...

Love the shirt! I was actually making some iron on shirts yesterday too! For our Disney trip for the kids and then team shirts for my Relay! Jason is getting SO BIG. What is the comparison of him to Tyler at the same age? Is he much bigger? They are both so sweet!

Heather said...

What a good idea to make Disney shirts! I make have to copy that!

At their 6 month appointments Jason was (I believe) an inch taller than Tyler but 2lbs3oz LESS than him. So Jason is more proportionate. Tyler was short and rather round. LOL!

Kim said...

I love that shirt!!!! When I saw you had a blog I ran right over. I umm talk too much crap on mine to allow it to go "public"

Melodie said...

I LOL at your #2! The second shirt turned out quite cute, though. Or maybe it's just the kid inside of it.

Tiffany said...

Great shirt and the boys just always look so darn happy! I love it! What sweet boys you have!