Wednesday, November 5, 2008

when will it end?

So Tyler STILL has his cough and runny nose. The cough has been off and on for 6, yes SIX, weeks now! And now Jason's congestion has developed into a cough that makes it very difficult for him to eat, breathe, and sleep at night...and of course that's all pretty scary with a little guy.

So off to the pediatrician, AGAIN, we went.

Tyler is sounding better and looking better, but i still wanted him seen because i figured it might be possible that he has something contagious and I don't need to perpetuate this illness any longer in our house. I'm happy I had him looked at though because they are concerned about something they heard in his lungs, at least enough so that they sent us for a chest x-ray (more on that later).

Jason is gaining fine, at 9lbs 12oz, so at least that currently isn't a concern. They said his lungs sounded clear but he does have some fluid in his left ear. It doesn't necessarily mean infection, but it could turn into an infection. However, because he's so young, of course there is the concern of bronchiolitis, or worse yet, RSV. So if his condition worsens tomorrow I need to bring him back. If he remains the same (or even seems better) I still need to bring him back Friday because they want to watch his lungs closely. In the meantime there is not much more I can do for him than I'm already doing, which is what I figured.

Right from the pediatrician we went to the office to have his x-ray. Tyler seemed nervous, but I reminded him that he knew all about x-rays and he seemed to recall having seen my mom's x-ray from when she broke her knee. He immediately though this meant they were going to break HIS knee in order to take the picture. LOL. So as soon as he realized that there would be no broken bones, he seemed okay with it. When they called us back they said I couldn't go in the room with him with the baby and they asked if he would be okay on his own. Lets face it, Tyler doesn't handle anxiety-producing situations well, so I thought for sure he'd freak, but I was soooo wrong. I have to say, the technicians were WONDERFUL with him, and I could hear him talking with the 2 women in there and he was FINE! Afterwards he told me that he was "a little nervous" but that it didn't hurt. My brave boy!

So, keep your fingers crossed that this x-ray doesn't show anything and that Tyler will continue to get better. In the meantime I'm going to enjoy this time on the computer because I'm not getting much sleep these days with a poor little baby who can barely sleep. I hope they are wrong when they said "it could get worse before it gets better". Yipee.

If you made it this far, thank you for keeping up with my boring posts about illnesses. Goodness knows I'm getting pretty annoyed with having to write about it, not to mention LIVING with it. Germs, away, NOW!


Melodie said...

However the x-rays turn out, I hope the docs can get your boys all better very soon.

Keep your windows open as much as you can to let the fresh air in so you're not just recirculating the germy air in your house.

Debbie said...

Hope he is feeling better! I went through over 7 weeks of Jillian's cough...And now its back again, but with much less of a vengance