Friday, November 21, 2008

I have decided...

I need a blackberry or an iPhone. I spend a GOOD portion of my day breastfeeding. Now don't get me wrong, I do appreciate the fact that I'm caught up on all of my television viewing, but it would be nice to peruse the internet sometimes. Afterall, who wouldn't get bored after a 68 minute nursing session? That's right, I timed it the other day.

Do you think I could convince Al that it was necessary based on the fact that it's "job related"? What about a tax break for a job-related expense?

Maybe, just maybe, you might someday get a blog update straight from a feeding session. Just you wait!


Karlise said...

Maybe a laptop? I think it's totally necessary. Or a DVR? Do you have that? That's what I do, tivo, tivo, tivo and catch up while I'm nursing. I'm not sure I've ever had a 68min session though where she's been actively nursing and not just sucking for comfort.

Heather said...

yep, I love my DVR!!! And, yes, I'm sure he was probably just using me as a human pacifier, which is why he eventually got cut off.