Monday, March 10, 2008

Darn time change!!

Okay, I've read all about WHY we still do the time change, but why must no one consult me on this decision?

Last night I put Tyler to bed at 8:15, which is a little early considering it was still 7:15 to him, but not too early. I figured he normally goes to bed at 7:30 or so, so at least we'd slowly wean him back to a normal bedtime. Wrong. He was up talking to himself, making excuses why he couldn't sleep, coming out to go to the potty, and more until sometime after 11:30. 11:30!!!! That's late for him, not even considering the time change. Anyway, I thought to myself "good, at least he'll sleep late". WRONG! 7:10. Hello, that's 6:10 to him.

Mommy is not a happy camper.

Darn you, time change!

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