Monday, October 20, 2008

why is it....

that I only produce children whom don't sleep? Jason is a good sleeper, IN his daddy's arms only. Not very helpful when he doesn't get home from work until 6:00pm at the earliest.

And I'm sorry if this offends anyone, but darn you lucky people that have natural easy breastfeeding experiences! Believe me, it's gone a heck of a lot easier than it did with Tyler so for that I'm truly thankful. I've already overcome many issues, but I'm currently dealing with a child who is fussy, gassy, and generally unhappy. So I'm working on cutting out dairy from my diet in hopes that this might be the culprit (symptoms peaked about 5 hours after a Chick-Fil-A milkshake a few days ago). I also suspect some additional problems which I won't get into on here, but let me just say that anyone who says breastfeeding is EASY has just simply not experienced all that I have experienced! Ugh!

In addition, what the heck does one eat when they cut out dairy? Morning cereal? Nope. Lunchtime sandwhich? Nope. Pizza for dinner? Nope. Umm, I'm gonna be losing some serious weight here, and I won't even be trying! J/K, I know I can't do that, but what WILL I eat????

Speaking of food, my poor deprived son was served tator tots with his pork chop and veggies tonight. He says "is that a funny marshmallow?". How could he never have experienced a tator tot by age 4?????


Karlise said...

Could he just be gassy? Is it happening at the same time every day? Have you tried Mylicon or Gripe Water? Bella had the same issues as an infant as did the boys. He's still very young and his digestive system isn't mature so it's pretty normal. It could also be part of a growth spurt. Is he nursing more often?

Go check out You'll find a lot of answers!

Karen said...

Heather, I can give you lots of advice for cutting out dairy. We are casein (milk protein), gluten, soy, starch, sugar, and preservative free at this house. We still have baked goods made with almond flour instead of wheat flour. We eat a lot of eggs for breakfast. I make smoothies that doesn't contain milk. Fruit and nuts. I can e-mail you if you want.

Working Mama said...

We cut out dairy back in March/April - it isn't that bad. Matthew drinks brown rice milk or almond milk - which are both non-dairy. Publix sells a product call Veggie Shreds, which is in the produce dept & it's a dairy free "cheese" that tastes good. We don't eat cereal. We do oatmeal from scratch, eggs, pancakes, waffles - all w/o milk. fruit, nuts, veggies, protein - all good. We use a gluten-free/wheat-free bread we LOVE so toast or sandwiches are not a problem. That Veggie Shreds is a great cheese to use to make your own pizza and they make Veggie Slices so grilled cheese or BLTs w/ cheese are still an option!

Homemade Happenings said...

Brestfeeding is NOT easy - but you are doing a great job trying to overcome your issues with it! Stick it out for now - but don't make yourself crazy over it. If it doesn't work out, as long as you are still producing, you could always pump and bottle feed.

I had to cut out dairy when I was breastfeeding Ella for the first month. She was having horrible issues with gas and spitting up etc. Turned out to be GER, so dairy wasn't the issue in the end.

It was tough but we got through it and I am sure you will as well.

Good luck and try to stay positive!! You're doing great!!