Wednesday, October 15, 2008

The Good and the Bad...

Lets start with the good....

Tyler is doing sooooooo much better. His rash has almost completely cleared and the swelling has gone down quite a bit. He only has one more day of his steroid. Phew! Oh, and he's back to sleeping fairly normally and even went back to school today!

Jason is just precious and is currently napping in his daddy's arms.

Al is home. They did NOT send him to least not yet.

Now for the bad...

Tyler is still itchy and the steroids have made him very erratic. He can be quite an angry little boy and even threw golfish crackers across the room last night when I told him it was bedtime.

Jason no longer likes his sling and has decided he will sleep nowhere but in someones arms or occasionally in the boppy pillow (which I can only allow him to do while I'm awake).

Like I said, Al is home. Why? Well, because he has bronchitis. Lovely, huh? Oh, and in case anyone is curious, he's currently wearing a mask, is covered in sanitizer, and is feeling MUCH better (he was diagnosed yesterday morning and started medications immediately).


Karen said...

Wow, you just can't catch a break with all the sickness in your house. At least Al is home.

Karlise said...

Well I'm glad Tyler is better but sorry Al is sick! Hope everyone gets well and stays well!

Melodie said...

I'm glad Al's still home, but I'm sorry he's sick. Now you have THREE little boys to take care of. LOL!

Melodie said...

Tag - you're it! See my blog for details.