Friday, October 10, 2008

milestone day

Yesterday hit the official 2 week mark since Jason's birth. Can you believe it, 2 weeks old?!?!

We celebrated with Jason's first bath while Tyler was at school, because 2 days prior his umbilical cord stump came off (we waited 2 days though because his belly button was still a little bloody). We thought he'd scream his little head off, which is his response whenever we take his clothes off or change his diaper, but he actually quieted down as soon as he hit the water. He lasted at least a minute without crying. LOL.
While Tyler was napping (yes, he actually napped...wahoo!) I left Al at home with him and I ventured out alone with the baby for the first time (I had been on driving restrictions due to my c-section until 2 weeks). We made a trip out to the pediatrician for a weight check. I am incredibly pleased to report that apparently so far breastfeeding is a success and he weighed in at 7lbs 12oz (which is a 10oz gain since his last weigh in 10 days ago). As they put it "he's in the happy zone" so no worries! I'm am on cloud nine because you have no idea how badly I wanted this to work. Of course I'm realizing there are negatives to breastfeeding as well. For one, I'm a human pacifier. Yep, it's true. And I leak, like crazy. Instead of carrying bottles and formula in the diaper bag, I'm going to have to resort to carrying breastpads and a change of clothes for me. Oh, and then there is the realization that I'm a breastfeeding prisoner, as I don't feel like I can leave the house without Jason (whereas with Tyler I would run out to Walmart or take walks to regain my sanity). Of course it's all a trade-off for what I think I'm gaining, so I'm happy to do it. It's kind of nice to be able to see the positives and negatives on both sides of the coin, if that makes sense.

Anyway, back to reality...

After Tyler's nap we head out for our first meal together. We went to Ruby Tuesday's because a) Tyler likes it and b) it's close. It went fairly well, although I did not really enjoy attempting to feed Jason at the table. My nursing cover is a huge help and I'm sure it will get easier as time goes on. For now I'm just happy that we were one of a handful of people eating dinner at the ungodly early hour of 4:15pm. No one was in our vision at all!

Well, I think that about covers it. For now on I'll try to keep my breastfeeding talk to a minimum. But beware, it might soon turn to cloth-diapering talk as Jason's circumcision is pretty well healed and I might be trying to switch out of the disposables soon. I just know you'll be waiting anxiously!


Working Mama said...

That's wonderful news - ALL of it! I am excited to see him! How great that nursing is going so well & you are all getting into a routine. And how great he likes his bath! yeah!

Anonymous said...

Yay Heather! Happy Two Weeks Mark! I'm so glad that nursing is going well. I remember talking to you about how hard it was with Tyler. One day at a time, right? You'll get into a groove and soon enough you can leave a bottle with expressed milk and go on those sanity trips.

Can't wait to hear how cloth diapering goes! We've done it since Liam was 6 weeks - and now we're at 21 months! Woo hoo!

Anonymous said...

Ooops, hahaha, I realize I keep switching back and for by which account I'm posting comments from. I'm auto singed in. ;)

Karen said...

Congratulations on your breastfeeding success!!! I'm glad things are going well. If you need anything, just ask.

Karlise said...

Aww first bath milestone! Bella always quiets down at bath time too.

I'm so glad BF is going so well for you and congrats to you for BFIP! And you can leave the house. Feed him and leave for a bit- even a few minutes is calming. You could even be gone for *gasp* an hour or so! LOL