Tuesday, October 28, 2008

what I do with my "spare" time

When the little one isn't eating or screaming and I get the rare moment of silence where he's asleep, you might think I'd use my time wisely.

Perhaps I'd clean or sleep.

You'd be wrong.

I take pictures, like this.

Then I contemplate the bigger things in life. Like why in the world children's clothes often lack function. Like the mock drawstring on his pants. Or the cute little pocket on his shirt. Clearly it must serve a purpose, right? Maybe it's to hold his pacifier....

Nope, that doesn't work.

This is about all it holds. Change. Like one coin worth. Now he'll be all set for financing his next big trip or something. Perfect!

1 comment:

Karen said...

cute pictures Heather. Dare I say that Jason looks like Al?