Sunday, August 30, 2009

the rash, continued

By Saturday night Jason's rash had continued to spread and he was pretty miserable. We had a nice barbeque at Jim & Cara's place, where we spent lots of time debating what could be bothering him. My mom was pretty confident that it was chicken pox. I was still convinced that the doctor knew what he was talking about.

Sunday morning arrived way too soon, after Jason had not slept pretty much at all between midnight and 4:00am. He was miserable. After Al got back on the road to head back to NC, I called the on-call pediatrician. He said to give him Tylenol, in addition to the benedryl he was already getting, and to do oatmeal baths and cover him in Calamine. I did all of that and he was still miserable. On Monday I called the pediatrician to make an appointment, as the on-call pediatrician had advised. I brought him in and the doctor was still not convinced, but said that it was likely that it could be chicken pox. My poor baby. Then I got to notify all the party-goers that I may have exposed their kids to chicken pox. Lovely.

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