Sunday, September 21, 2008

feeling crafty!

So instead of completing useful tasks (such as completing the cleaning that needs to be done or packing the hospital bag my husband has been urging me to pack) I've taken on craft projects.

I had this memo board hung in Tyler's nursery until the transition to the "big boy" room a few months ago. I had it sitting in the garage with the nursery bedding that is waiting to be eBayed, but obviously no one is really going to buy this so I'd probably end up donating it or whatever. Well, I was tempted to buy a similar one for Jason in different colors, but Kohl's wanted about $29.99 for it. So I decided I could recover it. It took WAY longer than I anticipated, and I ran out of ribbon mid-way through and totally improvised, but I sorta like it.

Then there was this letter project. I had bought the letters a couple of weeks ago and planned on just painting them a solid color (just as I had painted Tyler's a little over 4 years ago). I had the fabric swatches my friend Hillary had sent a few weeks ago so I could see the fabric for the quilt, so I decided to make some use of them. I found a few clearance fabric remnants at Walmart (which all together cost me about $2.50, which is also what I used to cover the memo board) to complete the look. It's totally not what I intended it to look like, but about 4 hours later (yes, literally) I'm relatively happy with the results.


Karlise said...

Looks good! I'm actually thinking of making one of those boards for Bella's room to hold all of her bows and headbands. I need something!

Debbie said...

The person that does my hair has a bunch of these at her shop. I am not sure if she made them or bought them...(I think bought them). She has all her kids pictures in them....I love that and you did a wonderful job!!

Melodie said...

Cute! Good job.