Thursday, June 5, 2008

discussing death with a 3-year-old

So tonight Tyler was finally feeling a bit better and was finally fever-free, so I figured I'd run out quickly to Babies 'R Us. I've been wanting to get a maternity belt/support since my trip to the ER, but we've been on house arrest since Tyler got sick.

Anyway, so we're driving home and we had a conversation that went something like this:

Tyler: "Mommy, what's that?"
Me: (wondering why I never see cemeteries in FL) "Well, that's called a cemetery."
Tyler: "What's a cemetery for?"
Me: (treading cautiously) "Well, when people die sometimes their bodies are buried at a cemetery."
Tyler: "Where?"
Me: "Under the ground."
Tyler: (after a long silence) "Will I die?"
Me: "Bud, not for a very, very, very long time."
Tyler: "Aaaaah, but I don't want to die. I don't like when dirt gets in my eyes."

LOL. That was the funniest thing I had heard in days. I then had to explain caskets and that the bodies aren't just buried in dirt (not to mention the fact that once people are dead they really don't feel anything). Poor little guy had never heard of death before at all, and hopefully won't ever need to again for a very long time. Sometimes I wonder why I'm honest with him!


Melodie said...

You must not be traveling in the right areas of town if you don't see cemetaries in Florida. I see them all of the time. As a matter of fact, just on my morning drive to take Emily to school, I pass a minimum of two cemetaries, and depending on my particular route that day, I can pass by up to four of them.

Kandee said...

Hannah has the same conversations with me sometimes. We have a cemetary behind our church, so she's been seeing them for a long time. Plus my parents have been to 3 funerals in the past 2 weeks...and she's been curious. She's the type that needs to know it all, so it doesn't bother her when I'm completely honest.

Karen said...

Hey, you're right. I don't see cemeteries here either but they're all over the place in MD. Even if you are driving on the major roads you will see some in MD.

Scarlett said...

The dirt in your eyes thing was pretty darn cute. ;)

Karlise said...

There's a major cemetary right on 60 by the mall! I guess you don't go that way often though.

Tyler is too cute. I love reading his convos.

Karen said...

Ok, Ok, I was driving on Rt. 60 today and saw the cemetery. I don't usually drive up there so I guess I never noticed it before.

Hill said...

I have to pass this along to Eric. He will die laughing (excuse the pun).