August 29: Apparently we had a very Jersey-inspired dinner. I'm sure we ate something other than watermelon from our garden and local corn, although it wouldn't have made a bad meal in itself!
August 30: Mommy wasn't feeling well. At all. Suffered through Jason's speech therapy. That afternoon Ty had his 6yr old appt. Measured in at 43lbs and 43.5in. They confirmed that he did in fact have quite a bit of fluid in ears, which we had guessed based on how poorly he was hearing. They recommended we start on a daily allergy medicine and nasal spray. Made the decision to refuse the flu shot, at least for now. Ty was happy with that decision. LOL.
August 31: Not sure where Ty was, but I brought Jason to Walmart that evening. I found this clever contraption stuck to the wall, a device for strapping in your baby while you use the restroom. Super cool. I totally want one in my house.
That night was bittersweet. I nursed my baby for the last time. I had been having a lot of trouble nursing him in the past month, with blocked milk ducts and such and he was obviously old enough to wean, so I decided the time was right. Still tough though.
September 1: So this was the first morning I did not nurse Jason. He was not pleased, to say the least. I'll fully admit, I fed him cookies first thing in the morning because it was the only thing that calmed him down. It was not an enjoyable morning! I managed to hit the gym, which may have partly been because I didn't want to have to hear him whine for nursing anymore. He had a makeup speech session and he managed to nap (phew), as well as OT that afternoon. That evening Ty (and his friend Mackenzie) went to a "Kids Fit" class at our gym. It's a class for kids which does little exercises and such. They even have small gym equipment, which is pretty cute. He enjoyed it. Meanwhile my parents took Jason to the beach that evening, which was fun for him.
Bedtime that night, minus nursing, was NOT fun. Not fun at all! Poor Jason.
September 2: I was in a lot of pain, both physically and emotionally from the weaning thing. Due to the pain, I reluctantly decided to cancel our trip to Sesame Place with Melinda. However being at home started to drive me crazy. Later decided to bring the boys to have haircuts. That's right, Jason got his first haircut. He really didn't need it cut much, but there were a few pieces that were getting too long in both the front at back. Poor kid has such fine hair though and when I inquired about cutting it shorter they informed me, as nicely as they could, that cutting it shorter would reveal more of the baldness from underneath. LOL. Jason was pretty good though, just sitting there calmly as they cut. Definitely earned that lollipop!
Afterwards we hit the playground for a bit before a nap. Later that evening my mom decided she wanted to go to Olive Garden for her last dinner out before her surgery. We had a nice meal and learned that Jason likes dipping bread sticks in soup. Then we went to the mall for a quick trip afterwards.
September 3: My mom left for her surgery, which although it was delayed, it went smoothly. We're keeping our fingers crossed that this one was finally a success and after 2 years out of work she'll be able to return soon! Meanwhile we hit the gym, library and later had an indoor picnic on that yucky rainy day. And, on a very positive note, Jason went to bed without tears for the first time!
September 4: Mom was scheduled to come home, so we decided to get out of the house (in order to not re-injure her leg and give her some kid-free time to relax at home). However Ty made her a gorgeous "get well" note that he taped to the door.
Jason wasn't napping anyway, so we got in the car and head towards Great Adventure. I had planned on going to the outlets to do some back-to-school shopping first, and of course Jason didn't' fall asleep until minutes before we arrived. But as we pulled in and got stuck in traffic IN the parking lot I decided that Labor Day weekend would not be the best time to do any outlet shopping. Instead we opted to drive thru the safari while Jason finished up a short nap, before waking to screech at animals.
From there we hit Great Adventure. Gorgeous day with perfect weather. Had a nice time with all of our typical stuff, but even got to go to the tiger show for the first time, which both boys were pretty excited by. And we encountered a random little critter roaming through the park. Some people said it was a groundhog. Others said hedghog. I meant to look it up and learn about the difference between the two (or determine what else it may have been). Clearly I didn't. Feel free to state your guesses! Unfortunately the iPhone photos do not do it justice.
1 comment:
I'm impressed you can remember that far back! I can barely remember yesterday!
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