On Tuesday, after we got home from A.C., we should have been going to swim lessons. Instead, for the first time all summer, they were closed due to bad weather. I decided a trip to the mall was in order, but as I got myself and Jason ready I heard a shriek from the living room. I went running in and Tyler was screaming while clutching his arm. Apparently he had somehow hit it on the end table, and by the initial looks of it he appeared to have broken it. Thankfully it was just the odd angle in which he was holding it, meanwhile bending it. Anyway, as I get ice for it and attempt to calm him down he starts shaking and says he's gonna be sick. I asked him what else hurt and he responded that his head did. I look up and there is this huge bleeding goose egg on his head. Not sure how I missed it, but apparently he had initially as well. He proceeds to freak out, all the while asking if he could go to bed, which of course is totally unlike him. Due to his odd behavior I feared a concussion. I called the pediatrician who was concerned by the symptoms and luckily fit us in immediately. My mom watched Jason in the waiting room while Tyler was seen. Thankfully there were zero signs of a concussion and apparently the anxiety/fear over the situation caused the concerning symptoms. I was told he was fine and he was given no restrictions, so off to the mall and chick-fil-a we went.
He did have a headache, but otherwise seemed fine. The goose egg swelling went down significantly, so the picture hardly does it justice. He does have a cut/bruise on his ear and neck as well.
Poor Tyler!! I hope he is feeling better today. so scary when they get hurt - especially when you don't see what actually happened.
Poor Tyler! Glad he's all better now though and it was nothing serious. FFR, you can put a paste of salt and water on a goose egg which will help relieve the swelling. Sounds crazy but it works!
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