Monday, August 18, 2008

First Day!

Well, we did have some first day jitters before Tyler's big day at VPK today. However, they were from me, not from him! LOL. I couldn't get to sleep until after 1:00 and then couldn't get back to sleep after Al's alarm clock went off at 5:30.

Tyler woke up as happy as a clam. He once mentioned that he didn't want to go to preschool, but then quickly changed his tune. He happily ate breakfast, got dressed, and even eagerly put on his non-Croc footwear! And we were out the door!

He skipped into school without a care in the world, and quickly joined the other kids for some coloring. He did get a little hesitant when it was time for us to go, but never shed a tear and happily said goodbye. I even peeked back through the window, and sure enough he was busy in his activity and not at all crying! Way to go, Tyler!

At pick-up time he was happily playing on the playground. The teacher said he did great, but he got upset when it was time to transition to a different room. She said quite a few other children got upset as well, so maybe he just got caught up in the moment. She said he recovered quickly though, and I was happy to see that he was not one of the kids that was still crying.

We told him he could pick a restaurant for a celebratory lunch. He picked Wendy's, so we ate while he happily told us about his day. It appears that he was incredibly pleased, well, except for the disappointment over the lack of snack time. He is anxious and ready to go back tomorrow! Well, tomorrow IF they hold school. Hurricane Fay may have other plans for us!


Working Mama said...

Awwww, congrats on a successful first day!!! That's great that he had such a good time! I hope you sleep better tonight.

Melodie said...

Well, what a difference from his first day of Tiny Tots, huh? Way to go, Big Boy!

Michelle@lifeinawhirlwind said...

Congrats on making it through a new milestone. He looks way too adorable in the pictures. I especially like the look of concentration as he is drawing.

Karlise said...

That's great Heather! WTG Tyler!! I hope the rest of his week goes just as smoothly.

Debbie said...

I'm glad he really enjoyed it...How disappointing that today there is no school...especially for little ones when they are adjusting to the new schedule...But tomorrow and the rest of the week should be fine....