Thursday, August 21, 2008

5 more weeks!

As some of you know, I had to go in for an ultrasound yesterday. Last week at my OB appointment, there was some minimal concern about my lack of weight gain, so they decided to schedule an ultrasound, just to be "proactive". Well, apparently the concerns were unwarranted, because everything looked good at my ultrasound yesterday! The baby is apparently weighing 5lbs, and I measured at 33w5d (being that I was 33w6d, that's only a day off!). The amniotic fluid is sufficient, and we (my mom and I) even got to see the baby do some "practice breathing", which was pretty cool!

As of today, I'm exactly 34 weeks along. I have a scheduled c-section at 39 weeks, which means I've got exactly 5 weeks to go! 35 days!!!! I can hardly believe it.

Perhaps we should really settle on a name. I don't think "baby bean" would be appropriate on a birth certificate!


Holly said...

Great news!

Wow, I can't believe you only have 5 weeks to go!

We never used our boys name, so it's yours if you want it. Andrew James or AJ for short. LOL

Debbie said...

How exciting! I'm sure the excitement is riding high in your house, which indeed it should....Great news!

Working Mama said...

Is Diego still in the running??? LOL! 5 weeks - wow, well at least there is an end in sight..much better than wondering "could it be today? Will it be tomorrow?". Those days of waiting & wondering were killer for me!

Melodie said...

You could always change his first name from "baby" to "Mr." and call him Mr. Bean.

Anonymous said...

How sweet! I love ultrasound pics. I can't wait to meet baby bean in person!