Tuesday, February 23, 2010

random assortment of thoughts

First off, unrelated to my ramblings, here is a photo of Jason helping dust the house yesterday.

So yesterday afternoon Jason had his 2nd speech session (2nd scheduled one was cancelled due to therapist's illness, and last week was a holiday). She arrived 20 minutes early, just as I was putting cookies in the oven and Jason decided to poop. A full clothing change was required...what wonderful timing. Anyway, she was very pleased with his new signs he's learned and his imitation skills. She took a look at him eating a snack and is convinced that he does not chew his food. So for now we have to do a food journal and she gave us a few strategies.

This morning Tyler woke up around 6:40 and was in a great mood. No issues whatsoever. Around 7:20 a transformer blew and we were left without power. Since we couldn't have pancakes, waffles, or oatmeal due to lack of electricity, I resorted to giving him one of my mom's "light" yogurts. Bad mistake. Perhaps it was a coincidence, but my mom and I saw a complete change in his behavior within 15 minutes of eating that crap. No dyes, but tons of preservatives and artificial flavorings for sure. It was totally bizarre. I was never so happy that I was able to send him off to school because there is no way I could have handled him here alone all day without power!

Luckily the power came back on after about an hour. I spent part of Jason's nap time reading a book by Dr. Feingold. He started a program/diet that removes dyes/flavorings/additives, etc in an attempt at helping hyperactive behavior. A few years ago I would have thought it was all a bit kooky, but until you live it it's so hard to understand. The more I read about this stuff (in various sources...not just this book) I'm so tempted to start my own organic garden and buy only natural whole foods. The food industry scares the crap out of me.

Tyler's behavior proved to be bizarre the rest of the day. I was declared "the most beautiful, pretty, pretty, mommy princess". 15 minutes later he was crying in his room uncontrollably and had announced that this was "the worst day ever" and "you don't love me anymore". Go figure. Eventually he normalized out.

This is horrible to say, but I'm sooooo sick of having the "I miss daddy" conversation. I try to be sympathetic, but inside I just don't know how to react...again...for the 5th time in a day. He was all sobby again today and told me that he really wants daddy home from Afghanistan. I feared that maybe he had forgotten that we weren't going to be living together as a family after that, so I tried to delicately explain again that daddy would be staying in NC and we'd be in NJ. He announced "I know, but I just want my daddy to be back from Afghanistan. At least North Carolina is closer and he can visit". My poor sweet baby.

The rest of my day felt busy but unaccomplished. How can you spent 30 minutes on the phone with insurance and get nowhere?

Today I could finally see some ground outside. The snow is starting to melt. 90% chance of snow on Thursday. I guess the visible ground will be short-lived. LOL.


Working Mama said...

I am so with you on the additives/coloring/preservatives crap. I have the Feingold book ordered as well & will see how perhaps it can help at our house. its really hard on a tight budget too - using coupons & store sales is great other than YOU CAN RARELY DO THAT FOR THE ORGANICS YOU WANT! Ugh - its very frustrating!

Michelle@lifeinawhirlwind said...

I might have to check out this book as well. Now that the SPD is pretty much under control, they are concerned that she hasn't made as much progress in the hyperactivity and definance realms. The child development expert recommended drugs while her phsycology doesn't think that's necessary yet (thank god!). It gets so frustrating doesn't it!