Saturday, February 27, 2010

digging out again

On Wednesday Tyler turned 5 1/2. When did that happen? I had intended on taking some pictures of him, so I took out the camera. Ended up taking some of Jason and forgot all about it once Tyler was home from school. I stink. Oh well, who can't smile at a picture of a cute boy in jeans and a sweater? By the way, Tyler thinks he looks bigger now that he's 5 1/2 and has announced that he's going to tell everyone about it at school (that's IF he ever gets back to school)

That night I actually got a night out! I recently joined the Junior Women's and they were having a meeting/night out at a newer restaurant called Zinc. I picked up Beth and we went there after I got the boys to bed. We had a really nice meal and a fun time with the ladies.

That night we geared up for the next big snow storm heading out way. They were predicting, depending on what forecast you listened to, anywhere from 8-16 inches from Wednesday night until Friday afternoon. Also expected were high winds, so high that they were dubbing this a "snowicane" (snowstorm/hurricane).

Well, it didn't' end up snowing until Thursday morning, but the forecast was still bad so all the local schools closed. It ended up being the most ridiculous school closure ever because the roads were totally fine. It was warm enough that it was mostly a rainy slushy "snow". The day was not my best. Ty was in time-out two times before 8:30, if that gives you an idea. And 12 hours of non-stop "snow" still left very little on the road. As I said, waste of snow day. I did get a cute video of Jason "singing" and doing the hand motions to The Wiggles "rock-a-bye your bear". He's too cute. As my mom would say, bless his little heart".
And here is a picture of my now 17-month-old and the non-cooperative-for-photos 5 1/2 (and 1 day) year-old.

Thursday night got very windy and all the rainy slushy roads turned to ice. Friday actually justified another school closure (being snow day 6, now cutting out days of our spring break). It was snowing heavily. Luckily we kept power, and I was thankful for that. Determined to have a good day, we made it work. Tyler and I did exercise workouts on-demand while Jason napped. I was able to shower, play color-wonder markers with the kids, and various other things. Tyler head out in the snow with my dad for a little bit when he came home to shovel. By afternoon it was still quite nasty out, and I was beat. I let Tyler watch a video while Jason and I BOTH napped (how nice). Woke up to sunny skies, no falling snow, and melting streets. All in all we only got an additional 7 inches. After being cooped up for 2 days we head off to Chick-fil-A for dinner and playtime while my parents spent the evening in Atlantic City. While there Tyler had a little disagreement with another little girl over whose mother was actually queen. He's an odd little boy.

Last night I didn't get much sleep. Why is it, if I only sleep on average 5 hours a night, that smoke detector batteries only die at night? I assure you that climbing into the loft to remove the offending detector does not lead to restful sleep afterwards. Today was pretty low-key. Did have a quick trip to the library for some movies and books. One more day and back to school. We can do it!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

That video of Jason was TOO CUTE!! I love the Wiggles.