Thursday, February 18, 2010

Jason's GI appointment

Today Jason finally had his appointment at CHOP (Children's Hospital of Philadephia, for those non-locals) to be seen by the Gastroenterologist. Luckily my dad was able to take some time off of work to bring us there, or else I fear I'd still be lost in the city!

As expected the doctor didn't really feel he needed any further testing. He's confident that his initial issues (blood in stool, spit-up, vomitting, etc) were due to a dairy allergy (which is funny since I never mentioned that as something we had considered). Based on the results of his prior swallow test, he feels his feeding difficulties in the past and currently are likely due to a "global delay" which has made it difficult for him to learn how to eat and drink as one would expect a toddler to do so. He would like us to go for a "feeding evaluation" which is a team evaluation by a speech pathologist, nutritionist, and a few other disciplines which I've since forgotten.

To be honest, I really thought he was doing much better, which HE IS, but apparently not as well as they'd like to see. I struggle with whether he really needs this possible intervention, but considering this is now the third professional to suggest a potention evaluation at a feeding clinic, it's now the time for me to go for it. I guess I had thought it would be overkill for Jason to get that type of evaluation and that maybe I was just being paranoid in describing his symptoms and stuff, but I refuse to be the parent who overlooks a potential issue, so we will persist with getting the referral and all that jazz.

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