Wednesday, March 25, 2009

back in the swing of things

After, hmm, only almost 6 months, I feel like things are "normal" again. Or at least heading there. I'm starting to exercise again, and yesterday we even did our normal routine of the library and playground. I had been avoiding it, because the library is not where you want to bring a screaming infant, and the last few times I asked Tyler he didn't want to go anyway. Turns out the Tyler is the one who ended up screaming there, but that is a vent for another day. Tyler did shock me by reading 3/4 of a book that he had never seen before. I really still sorta believed he was just reading sight words, and not truly reading, but it's becoming more apparent that he is learning to read. Wow! I'd like to say that Jason loved his first library experience, but the truth is that he just hung out in the Moby wrap and drooled on me.

From there it was off to the playground. Tyler spent the majority of the time trying to hide from my camera, which apparently was a fun game. Jason enjoyed his first true playground swing (he had been on an infant seat at my brother's house before).

1 comment:

Melodie said...

Um, Heather...? The next time you're in my neighborhood with that baby, could you please give me a call?