Friday, September 18, 2009

Cape May Zoo

On Saturday Tyler was supposed to start soccer, but due to the rain it had to be cancelled. Bummer.

On Sunday my parents and I decided to take the boys to the zoo. If you are local, I highly suggest the Cape May Zoo. There is no admission price, but it's run completely on donations. The first time I ever went I wasn't expecting much, but much to my surprise it's actually a pretty impressive zoo.

We packed a lunch and let Tyler play on the playground while we had a picnic. Then we went into the zoo when we were finished. Both boys had a great time. Tyler liked learning about the animals and studying them. Jason was quite fascinated too, trying to feed them puffs and yelling "woof" at most of them. I think any of the animals in the ape family proved to be both boys favorites (mine as well).

Before I show the pictures, I have to share a "highlight" of the trip, according to Tyler. While we were watching some sort of small primate a man came up with a map and was just putting it up to the cage for the monkey to grab. I didn't think much of it, but then I realized that the little guy was taking bites of it. Being that this little creature were only about the size of a squirrel, I didn't think it could be too good for it to eat a map. I figured the guy would stop offering the map if he realized the creature was eating it, but I was wrong. He kept doing it so I said "oh, he's eating it". Figuring it might get his attention. No such luck. As we moved on to the next exhibit I spot a security guard and mentioned the map incident, hoping he might go and make the guy stop. Much to my surprise the guard walked over, witnessed the map eating, and had the man (and his poor children) escorted out of the zoo. I don't know if there was an interaction that warranted him being kicked out (if he were argumentative or anything), but I felt pretty bad. The security guard later found me and told that they had to have the little monkey looked at by staff and that they can get quite sick. Stupid guy. I do feel bad for his kids though. I can tell you one thing though, Tyler will never feed a monkey a map!

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