Today, after much research and thought, I decided to give Jason some cereal. I realized I didn't have a highchair, so I thought I'd use the bouncy seat, which proved to be too reclined. Probably not the best setup, but I settled for the bumbo seat ON the kitchen table. I mixed up the cereal, set up the camera to take some video, and got Jason ready. He didn't seem overly thrilled at first, but didn't resist either. By the end (which the video doesn't show) he actually was definitely eating some cereal. He screamed bloody murder when I took him out of the seat, but I didn't want to overdo it with the food until I know he's not allergic to it. Overall, I'd say it was a success for the first time.
Two notes to self: Next time, don't feed distractible baby cereal for the first time with entertaining 4-year-old in the room. Also, use a bib.
Aww he's so cute!! He's such a chunker (in a good way of course!). I wonder if I'll ever get to meet him in person.... LOL
He is SO cute!!
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