Tuesday, February 3, 2009


Tyler had his first taste of rice cereal at 4 months and 1 day old...I remember this because it was Christmas Day. At the time I wasn't really aware about the recommendations to try to wait until closer to 6 months old. All I knew was that he was a large baby, to put in mildly, and the doctors thought it might cut back on the amount of formula he was drinking. Plus, he had reflux and they thought it would help him keep his food down. He did well and I think it was the right decision for him.

But when this baby came along I couldn't fathom the idea of giving him baby food at 4 months. Maybe it's my fear that he's my last baby and I don't want him to grow up? Or maybe because I know he's already getting all the nutrition he needs from my milk and I'd rather stick with a natural diet for now (whereas with Tyler he was on formula so I didn't feel like I was introducing anything too foreign, whether that opinion was right or wrong).

Anyway, today, for the first time ever, I'm second guessing myself. Jason had his 4-month appointment today. They said that they don't think any of his current issues were due to food allergies. They said it could be environmental allergies, his reflux, or that he's just the kind of kid who is perpetually "snotty". They absolutely agreed that he did have a milk protein allergy and said I should continue to follow that dairy-free diet and stick with breastfeeding. His lungs are clear, so whatever is bothering him isn't hurting him, at least from a breathing standpoint. His weight is increasing, so basically they don't really intend to do anything at this point. They did somewhat increase his reflux medications, which I'm thankful for and keeping my fingers crossed that it helps. However, because of his reflux and frequent eating, they would prefer I start him on cereal. Right away I thought "NO" (only in my head) because I was afraid to introduce anything new, but (as my mom pointed out) I'm already drinking rice milk, so it's unlikely that he'd be bothered by it. He's been spitting up a ton more and he seems constantly hungry. He grabs at my food (although he grabs at everything) and he holds his head up well, so physically he's got the prerequisite skills. Hmm, decisions, decisions.

Oh, he weighed in at 16lbs 11oz (whoa) and 26 inches, which apparently puts him at 71% for weight and 75% for height. I'm 100% sure they mis-measured him. For one, I don't have long babies. And two, if he was proportionately in the approximately 70th percentile, wouldn't he seem less chubby? Whatever, I measured him at home and got 24 inches, so I'm pretty sure they are wrong. I guess we'll see at his 6 month appointment though, because if he shrinks according to their records, I guess we'll know I was right. LOL!

Oh, and my letter writing campaign worked. Jason was seen today by a civilian provider (Tyler's doc), which means NO MORE CLINIC! Yipee!!!

Oh, and he rolled over again today, belly to back.


Karlise said...

I'll say this and then leave it alone. The reason for not giving them food at this age is simply bc their digestive track usually isn't ready. It has nothing to do with you drinking rice milk already. Since he does have reflux issues though and I know nothing about that, I can't really give my opinion on it. I'll give you the link to Kellymom though. http://www.kellymom.com/nutrition/solids/delay-solids.html

And yea him for rolling!! :) If his measurements are correct, he's already a good pound heavier than Bella! Wow! She's 27.5in tall too. I guess we need to get the two together and compare. LOL

Heather said...

Karlise, when I made the comment about the rice milk, I was referring to the allergy aspect of it only (whether he'd be allergic to rice). Not as to whether he was ready for it or not. That is what I'm undecided on. Thanks for the link.

Yes, we definitely need to get them together. I don't think there is any possible way he's only 1.5 inches behind Bella, especially considering he looks short and chunky and Bella is longer and leaner. LOL.

Heather said...

Oh, I also wanted to add that the pediatrician said normally they would want a breastfed baby to wait until at least 6 months. So she was aware of the more up-to-date research.

Tiffany said...

Heather, that is a tough decision and I think you know by now I agonize over these tough ones we sometimes have to make.

It certainly sounds like Jason is growing beautifully and other than the milk allergy nursing is going really well. YAY!

I think you just have to go with your instinct on what to do with the rice cereal. I've not dealt with reflux so wish you well, just do keep us updated on his progress either way.

Good luck finding out what those environmental allergies might be.

Melodie said...

When you mentioned trying to start cereal in your email, my first thought was Jason's allergies. But now that you mention he's done fine with you drinking rice milk, obviously, that probably won't be an issue with him.

We tried giving Katie rice cereal when she was about 4.5 months, but she really didn't like eating from a spoon then and would only take the cereal in her bottles. She didn't like baby food either, and really didn't start eating until we started mashing up regular foods for her around 8 months.