Thursday, July 29, 2010

weekend July 17-18

On Saturday we did a little grocery shopping and Jason spotted a praying mantis. He kept screeching, but I had no idea why, until I put him down and he went right over to this thing. He was quite fascinated, until an employee brought it out of the store.

That afternoon Jason napped for the first time in 11 days. Yippee. And still daytime nurse-free!!!

That afternoon my Uncle Glenn, Michelle, and their 3 kids came to visit from NY. We all went to my grandparents to meet up with them and have a little pizza. Later the older girls went to canoe at my brothers and my mom took Tyler and David to play on the playground there.

I was supposed to be going to a "summer social" with the junior woman's that night, but unfortunately I was feeling really crappy. Instead I stayed home and went to bed EARLY!

On Sunday we were back at my brother's house for a BBQ. Cara's mom was here visiting and my grandparents came over as well (as well as one of Gavin's friends). Tyler finally got brave enough that they were able to take Brady (their HUGE golden retriever) out of his barricade..truth be told, we forced Tyler to deal with it...and they became close friends. Jason spent most of his time following Vinny (the cat), the other dog Simon, and Brady around the house. We had some yummy food, and got to spend some time with my grandfather before his upcoming surgery.

After the BBQ we (me and my kids, Jim and Cara and Aiden) came back to our house and walked up to Nokomis school for the 2nd of the summer movie series. They had hotdogs and popcorn, ice pops (Jason's first), and McDonald's orange drink. They had a contest for making crazy hats (which Tyler won a pack of silly bands for), face painting (Jason insisted on having his hand painted just like his brothers), and music. Pretty nice time. The movie was "Yours, Mine, and Ours", which wasn't really necessarily appropriate for Tyler but he seemed to be enjoying it. It all went horribly wrong though when Tyler (likely fueled by red dye) got really angry when I wouldn't let him have another ice pop and threw (yes, I said threw) his drink at me. We made an immediate exit, which he was none too pleased about. I think he learned a lesson that night for sure!

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