Tuesday, May 19, 2009

my entertainer

Tyler never ceases to entertain me.

The other day he decided he absolutely NEEDS to start packing for NJ. He drags out his rolling suitcase and proceeds to pack a letter for his mom-mom and pop-pop. He doesn't want to mail it, but instead wants to deliver it in person. Next he packs his blue blankie. If you know Tyler, this is THE blue blankie. I assured him that I would not forget to bring it, but apparently his trust in me is minimal so it remains in his bag. Poor thing is without his favorite blankie for now to insure that he has it in NJ. So, what else is on the list of important items for our stay? Well, a coloring book and crayons, which he says is for the airport. I did sway him from packing his sippy cup and snacks for now. The other important item? A velcro catch set that he got in his Easter basket. Similar to this, but picture the "gloves" as eggs and the "ball" as a bunny. Yep, top priority for travel. My kid is odd!

Unrelated story, but funny nonetheless. Normally Al leaves for work before the rest of us are up. When Tyler gets up he comes in and gets me and I get up (either with or without Jason) to get him breakfast. Apparently Al had been up sick in the middle of the night so he decided to skip P.T. (their workout sessions) and was still on the couch when Tyler got up. He had left the TV on. I finally decide to venture out to the living room, trying to be quiet and let Tyler sleep, only to find him sitting on the floor, leaning up against the couch, his head nuzzled up against his daddy's. I go over and say to him something like "hey bud, I didn't realize you were up". He tells me "ssshhhh, I'm watching something very important on TV". What was so important? Why it was an infomercial about the Rug Doctor. He spent the next 5 minutes filling me in on all the features, because of course he now wants one. "But mommy, it even lifts dirt out of tough stains". Umm, okay.

Last, but not least, was a conversation today. I had gone grocery shopping and was unpacking the groceries with a little help from the little man. He pulls out a box and says "Mommy, I didn't know you buyed Crunch 'N Munch" to which I reply "Tyler, I didn't even know you knew what Crunch 'N Munch was" (he's never had it before) to which he replies "I didn't know that I knew what it was either. I just read the box".

I realize that these stories are probably only funny in person. If nothing else it helps me remember them.

Not entertaining, but I did have to share...On Monday Tyler had his "portfolio viewing" at PreK. They put together some of their beginning work and compared it to their end of the year work. Pretty cute to see. They essentially told me that they didn't have much progress to show much, which initially kinda surprised me, but they then clarified that this was because Tyler passed almost all of the testing the first time around. You can't improve on 100%. LOL. He did show improvement on his drawings and writing ability. Most importantly for me (because it's what I was most worried about) they assure me that he's emotionally ready for Kindergarten. He has adapted well and is a leader in the class. Yeah for Tyler!


Rachel said...

Sounds like you have quite the character on your hands! LOL That's awesome that he's ready for kindergarten but I can't believe he's old enough for that yet. Crazy how time flies

Kim said...

I was totally laughing at the stories! I could picture it all in my head. So cute!

Kindergarten already? I could have sworn Ty was only 3. Wow time flies!

Debbie said...

Tyler is beyond his years....He's so funny and soooo smart....Congrats on him getting ready to enter Kindergarten too!

Brooke said...

He is a trip!!! I have always loved the quote in your side bar about the Oxyclean. Blake is all into infomercials too- I think if he had a Visa we would be in major trouble LOL

WTG on his Kindergarten assesment. 100% is just great!