The boys woke up quite excited to see that our "Elf on the Shelf" Buddy had been doing some speed stacking. This is just about as creative as our Elf gets. The boys are entertained though.
That morning we head off to church and then to brunch at LB Daniels with my sister-in-law, neice, and her friend.
We got home and the boys had enough time to "help" their pop-pop with putting up Christmas lights. "Help" would be a generous term, considering he had to redo everything they had done after we left.
Then it was off to Wolf Scouts for Tyler.
When he was done we took advantage of the mild weather and Bob and I took the boys to Smithville. It really was quite cute for a day trip. We did some shopping, at "the world's biggest pizza" (according to Tyler), played some old carnival type games, listened to Mrs. Clause tell stories, talked to the Living Tree, and watched the awesome light display. The boys had a great time!
Monday was back to reality. After taking my mom to PT Jason and I took off to Evesham library for a program (which always includes a craft, his favorite).
After school I surprised the boys with a trip to Storybook Land. I had made plans with a couple of preschool moms to go and take advantage of the buy-one-get-one-free ticket day. It was a really nice time, and although it was quite crowded, we got to do almost everything. Jason even went on his very first roller coaster, which was NOT a good thing. Poor guy. But overall we had a really nice time.
On Tuesday I got to help out with the holiday gift shop at Nokomis while the boys were in school. I got to help both of them shop, as well as some other kids. Always a cute event and the boys picked out some fascinating gifts!
That evening myself, my parents, and the boys, went to Atlantic City to use some free buffet coupons my mom had. The boys do love the buffet. Another long day though and late to bed again. Quite yummy though!
On Wednesday, after taking my mom to PT, it was back to Evesham Library with Jason. this time it was for Tumblin Tots. I had always shyed away from signing up for this particular program (partly because it's really tough to get in and mostly because he was always so fearful of this type of crowd/movement, etc). I was reluctant, but he did wonderfully! It actually brought a tear to my eye watching my little man follow direction, and most importantly, HAVE FUN! He did great with everything and I can't wait to take him again. The instructor was wonderful!
That afternoon Tyler had a friend for a playdate and then that evening we had to quick run out and buy some food for our church's food drive bags. The boys enjoyed helping out.
Thursday morning Jason got to bounce around on his new hippity-hop, courtesy of my grandparents. He's really making leaps and bounds with his physical skills and it makes me so happy!
That afternoon I had to keep Jason out of school because he had his follow-up with the developmental pediatrician. I had gotten a call that his doctor was out sick, but being that I already made arrangments to bring him (and my dad took some time off work to drive), I opted to see the covering doctor instead of rescheduling. It was just meant to be a follow-up so I wasnt' expecting much. They started out with a quick survey. Based on the answer to that, the doctor announced "I think maybe we missed an autism diagnosis". Not at all what I expected to hear. Literally an hour and half later of "testing" and talking she determined that the original diagnosis was correct (meaning he does NOT have autism) but she was concerned about his OCD-like behaviors and his anxiety. It was a quite bizarre appointment to be honest.
That evening I was off to a Home & School meeting while Ty was at karate. My parents watched the boys and I came home to 2 awake boys. Pop-pop got chosen to read to Jason. It always warms my heart to see him reading to the boys.
On Friday I drove my mom to PT, but otherwise had an uneventuful morning. After dropping Jason off at school some of the moms gathered for a planning party for the kids school Christmas party. That evening after school Ty had karate and Bob joined us for the evening.
Almost all of Saturday was spent baking cookies, cookies, and more cookies. I had a cookie swap to attend that evening and needed 10 dozen cookies. I had also agreed to bake 6 dozen cookies for my friend Jeanne as she was helping collect baked goods ofr her church's Spirit of the Holidays program. I kept the kids involved, which of course took longer, but kept them from killing each other.
That evening my parents watched the boys so I could attend the cookie swap at Andrea's. I had a nice time, got some yummy cookies, and met some nice people.
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