Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Christmas Day, 2011

Santa came!

Tyler was the first one up, of course. Instead of waking up Jason and possibly dealing with a major crankypants, we just let Tyler open his presents first. My parents woke up to watch him and Bob came over to join us too. After he opened his stocking he melted my heart by wanting us to open our presents (the ones he picked out at the secret gift shop) before he opened his. Awww. Anyway Tyler seemed to like everything, even clothes (of course there were 2 Diary of a Wimpy Kid shirts). He was most excited by some of the smaller stuff such as his mighty bean case and track, a new Dude Diary, and some DS games.

Finally Jason woke up to open up his presents. He got really into it this year and seemed to like just about everything! The major hit was the trampoline and tool set!

I can't forget to mention that one of Tyler's biggest gifts was actually a hand-me-down laptop that my Uncle Glenn passed on to us that I surprised him with later in the morning. He couldn't have been happier!

Soon family started to arrive for brunch and Bob head home to spend Christmas day with his family. We had a nice brunch and were able to sit back and relax.

There were some last-minute changes in plans so we ended up spending the day at the house playing with all the new presents before finally getting dressed for the day.

Then we head to Al's Aunt Kathy and Uncle Mike's house for Christmas dinner. The kids had a great time and it was so nice to see everyone. I'm very thankful that they still include me and the boys in family things, even though Al and I are not together. And the photos are from Uncle Mike, cause they are way better than the ones I took with my phone!

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