We all watched the classic Wizard of Oz together with the boys for the first time, as Tyler had expressed an interest in seeing it after having seen the play with my mom. as you can see in the photo, Tyler was a little scared in pics. Jason seemed to enjoy it all.
Baseball continues.
My dad created some raised beds for this years "multi-generation" garden at my grandparents house. He did transplant some berry plants that were coming up from last year into the new raised beds so we went to my grandparents to check out the status.
Jason finally got an appointment scheduled for the developmental pediatrician at CHOP. June 9th we go. This has been a loooonnnggg process.
My mom, boys and I managed to make it to Great Adventure over opening weekend. It was fairly crowded so we didn't do a ton, but the boys had fun. Tyler was thrilled because he finally measured at 44 inches and could go on Skull Mountain. Big, exciting times. They no longer have the tigers (or was it lions?) but instead now have the sea lions on display, as well as some pigs, geese, goats, and currently two abandoned bear cubs. So adorable. Although Jason was scared to death of them, but did decide at 2.5 yeas of age that he could suck his thumb because the bears were sucking the trainers thumbs.
Tyler continued to improve those bike riding skills, even taking off on his own. We were able to ride around the block together. So cute!
Some video of Tyler's riding skills.
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