Tuesday, just a day after having been to the Atlantic City Aquarium, we found ourselves on the way to the Camden Aquarium. The Ritters had a family membership that allowed them to bring guests and they generously offered to bring us. We hadn't been since before Tyler turned 2, so obviously Jason had never been at all. There was definitely more to see, but it was incredibly crowded. They had a great time though and got to pet some sharks and stingrays again.
And then that afternoon, after having posted on facebook less than 24 hours prior to that I "will not willingly allow my children up past their bedtime again for a VERY long time", I found myself planning a sleepover for Tyler. I had promised Ty and his friend Connor that they could have a sleepover at our house over spring break, and I was not confident that collectively our schedules would allow it later in the week, so I needed to do it that night. So late that afternoon I picked up Connor and his brother Zachary and we went to McDonald's for dinner. Of course everyone thought that all 4 of the boys were mine, which was quite comical. They were very well behaved though and i even got compliments on MY boys. LOL. Anyway, they kept themselves busy that night with some wii, snacking, and movie watching. And everyone was asleep by midnight. I have to say it was our easiest sleepover yet!
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