Wednesday, May 25, 2011

spring camping

On Friday the 15th, after our dinner and egg hunt with the "Easter Cow" Tyler and I head on over to Vaughn Hall to meet everyone for our spring scout camping trip. We actually were camping at Camp Kettle Run (the girl scout camp) which has little cabins too, so Jeanne and I were lucky enough to get a cabin to share with our boys. In reality they are sheds, but they are clean and have little platforms with cot mattresses, so it definitely beat setting up a tent, especially since it was COLD! Luckily my mom offered to keep Jason, which is good, because he wouldn't have done well overnight. It was a later start for a camping trip, so we only had time for setting up camp, a little "night hike" and then a meeting around the campfire (complete with songs and skits of course) and smores for the kids. Luckily there were a really nice group of moms at this camping trip, which made it much more bearable!

After a long, fairly sleepless and VERY cold night, we awoke bright and early. The kids amused themselves and we managed to get ready to start the day and eat breakfast before I met my mom who delivered Jason to me for the day. The boys were busy with various activities such as flag football and trail stuff. Honestly I'm not entirely sure what they did because they were off with their leader and other adults while we helped out with putting stuff together for the egg hunt we had later, making lunch, sweeping out cabins, etc. Jason tagged along the whole time. Eventually after lunch and some inside patch requirement stuff it began to rain so we all made the decision to pack up camp and head out a little early...which I didn't mind a bit!

That afternoon, after a nap for me (thanks mom and dad for making that happen) myself, the boys, my parents, Jim, Cara, Aiden, Gavin, and a friend of his all went to Golden Corral to celebrate Gavin's birthday.

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