First was Jason's turn. They had a very small area roped off for the 1 and 2 year olds and I thought those eggs would be grabbed up quickly, however I was wrong. Jason took his time, coming in and out of the rope area often, never really quite sure if he was done. However he wasn't the only one who wasn't in a rush. By the end of maybe 5 minutes of hunting the area had cleared out yet there were still eggs sitting there! Apparently the attention span of that age group is not great for egg-hunting. However Jason was quite proud of himself and even happier with his loot!
And then Tyler's turn. As you can see, their group was a small one, and they had a lot of wet territory to cover. Tyler had a fall early in the hunt but regrouped quickly and got plenty of eggs. Overall I had some very happy boys! And it was all over just as the rain started again. Perfect timing!
Later that afternoon we worked on our bunny cake. Snazzy.
That evening we went to the Easter church service, because I was quite certain we'd never made it there on Easter Sunday. I love that they have that option. Doesn't Tyler look handsome in yellow? And of course Jason couldn't come...still petrified..stayed home with my parents.
And finally, before bedtime, we worked on some Easter-themed cut-out sugar cookies.
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