Saturday, April 17, 2010

last weekend of spring break

I'd like to think that we did something impressive on our last Saturday of spring break. I know it was pretty nice weather, but a bit chilly. I remember trying to go to some garage sales, but there was nothing decent. On the way home my mom and I stopped to take the boys to Dunkin' Donuts. Jason had his first donut (actually munchkins with sprinkles). He ate the entire outside with icing and sprinkles and then chucked the doughy center back at me and signed for "more".

Then I think we ran to the library??? and then to produce junction??? and walmart. I nearly spent $12 on this stupid stuffed Mickey because he actually seemed like he liked it (he still doesn't have a blankie or other "comfort" item he has attached to...unless you count me). Then he threw it, so Mickey did NOT come home with us.

On Sunday Jen had told us about this opening day at Johnson's farm. I love Johnson's farm but ever since they remodeled and "upgraded" I don't like the prices and the commercial feel to it. We pretty much avoid it now. Well, I couldn't pass up this even with free hay/tractor rides, free entrance to the "discovery barnyard" and free hotdogs! We met up with Mandy and her boys immediately, but our boys took off in opposite directions. Tyler was busy ON the playground, while Jason was busy AROUND the play apparatus.

Then Ty discovered the little go-carts, which were a big hit!

Then my camera died. Had to resort to the camera feature on my phone as the boys made their way back to the playground. Tyler LOVED the impressive playground. Jason was happy sitting and watching, and then wandering.

Then we went to look at the animals.

And then we spent some time in the "discovery barnyard", featuring a mini veterinarian's office for the kids to play in.

Jason rode a tractor.

And then the boys had fun in the cute little play grocery store/produce stand...until I literally had to carry Jason out of there kicking and screaming because he wouldn't' stop throwing produce at other people. Seriously. LOL.

Back to the playground. I can't believe Jason actually rode with Tyler. Tyler was so excited that Jason rode with him and then finally (after nearly 19 months) it occurred to him that maybe he could pick up Jason himself. Yep, he can.

Later we got word that Jen had arrived, so we all met up to go on our free hay/tractor rides. Luckily Jason was good, and Tyler enjoyed the ride with Abby and Lilly. We got to see all the crops in progress and some pretty sights. And thanks to Jen, I have some pictures (hers are the good ones, NOT my camera pictures).

After our tractor ride we enjoyed our FREE hotdogs and I bought us some apple cider donuts, which Jason gobbled up. Apparently these were quite good.

After saying goodbye to Mandy and her boys, we head back into the play areas with Jen and her girls.

After packing up at Johnson's farm, we came home quickly with the plan to put Jason down for his nap and leave him with my mom while I dropped Ty off at a party. We found my Aunt Maureen there talking with my mom, with Easter baskets for the boys. There was no way Jason was going to nap then, and instead he signed to "eat" a small marshmallow chocolate bunny. LOL. He ate the whole thing! Little stinker!

I packed up Jason and brought Ty to his party. The party was for his best friend Mackenzie. It was her 6th birthday, at her house with a dolphin theme. I would have gladly stayed and helped, but as soon as Ty had seen "drop off party" on the invite, he was bragging for weeks that he was staying there WITHOUT mommy. So I enjoyed 2.5 hours (some spent with Jason napping) before picking him up. We ended up staying after the party for some left-over pizza and watched Mackenzie open her presents. I also got to watch a video of my little boy's first dance. Apparently Mackenzie had an ultimate dream of dancing to Taylor Swift's "Love Story" with Tyler at her party. I am SHOCKED that he agreed to this in front of all of his classmates (and proud of him too) but apparently it ended abruptly when Tyler freaked out at the request to twirl Mackenzie. In reality he didn't know how and got embarrassed. Poor baby. But sooooo cute! For the record, I showed him how to twirl while we were there after the party, so he did twirl Mackenzie later. Hopefully that made up for some of the disappointment on her part. Thanks to Beth and her family for the adorable pictures!

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