The week was a blur. Looking back I have ZERO pictures from Monday through Thursday, which tells me I was clearly not feeling well. We were busy with school of course, a play date for Tyler, karate times two, Tyler's club, my injection, and whatever else existed.
One highlight of the week however was the start of my "alphabits" group at church. My church (as well as many churches) hold an alpha class/course for those struggling with their beliefs and various things. I had been wanting to join this group for probably a year now, but the sessions were always held at night at around 6:30, which means I'd have to ask my parents to watch the boys one night a week for 12 weeks! Well they finally ran a course during the weekday, with free childcare for Jason. I had my first class for Tuesday and I really enjoyed it. Seems like I'll meet some great people and Jason even had fun!
On Thursday I received some upsetting news that my cousin's husband passed from leukemia. He was only 43. As sad as it is for anyone to pass, he was so young, and leaves behind his wife and 5 year old son. So very, very sad. Needless to say, I didn't sleep well that night.
On Friday the kids were supposed to wear black, white, and red in celebration of Dr. Seuss's birthday. While Ty was at school, Jason watched a Cat in the Hat show on the kindle and drank some "pink ink" (strawberry smoothie with greek yogurt and rice milk and a small amount of sugar). Dr. Seuss rocks.
Jason did come home from school with a pretty rockin' Cat in the Hat hat that he had made in class, but he refused to wear it for me for a picture.
That afternoon Tyler got invited to Connor's house, which he was quite happy about. He was thrilled when they invited him to PJ's for dinner (he had never been since he was an infant, which he clearly did not remember). He was even more thrilled when they invited him to spend the night. I was potentially even more excited! Huge thanks to Jeanne for taking him off my hands so I could relax a little.
Even cancelled all our plans on Saturday. Did I mention how much I dislike Crohn's? Hard to find the silver lining when there is so much pain. And I HATE asking for help and now I have to. That might bother me more than anything.
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