Sunday, November 7, 2010

Halloween, finally

Yes, after a multitude of Halloween-themed posts, we've finally reached Halloween itself (and only a week late). Being a Sunday Halloween day was actually pretty uneventful. We did dress Bella up in her butterfly costume, which she was less than enthused about. It lasted about 4 minutes.

Shortly after 3:00 (designated start time for trick-or-treating in town) we went out with my mom to trick-or-treat at our neighbors the Morrone's. That way my mom could see the boys in costume doing their thing. I put Jason in a different costume this time, Dumbo, also courtesy of Maria. Figured it was plusher and would be warmer in the chilly air.

Afterwards we made our way over to Sherri's house and met up with a group of her friends to trick-or-treat. We started out with some food and a bonfire and then made our way around the neighborhood with wagons, strollers, coolers, and red cups. Tyler had fun staying ahead with some other parents and a bunch of his friends. Jason obviously was back with me. He was too busy concentrating on eating candy to actually trick-or-treat at regular intervals. He maybe his every 5th house, which was really the pace we needed to catch up with the older kids who were going to every house. I must say, I was slightly disappointed, because despite my urging otherwise he typically would only grab dum-dum lollipops, skittles, or M&Ms if given the option. Clearly I would preferred he take some chocolate for ME! Also, if someone told him to take another piece or tried to give him more he would throw a fit and insisted on only one piece per house. I must teach this child a thing or two. LOL. We didn't trick or treat for a tremendously long time, as Tyler reported he wanted to go back home, which shocked me (lo and behold he had a fever the next day, so he obviously probably wasn't feeling well).

We came home and got in the car to go trick-or-treat and visit with my grandparents and then to Jim & Cara's. Came home, ate Chinese food, and watched Ty hand out candy. All in all, a very nice BUSY Halloween season. Bring on November!

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