Tuesday, September 13, 2011

the school year begins

Tuesday afternoon was Jason's preschool "breeze-thru". Even though he won't be starting until he turns three, he was still invited to go. He screamed and cried in the car because he didn't want to go in. He eventually reluctantly went in, although I had to carry him and he had to carry "eye" (blanket). He basically refused to talk to people but found a cube-like chair he wanted to sit in. He eventually found a play kitchen that interested him, and a large therapy ball up high in a storage area. So by the time he left he was in better spirits. We found his name on the bulletin board outside of school, although he was disturbed that his frog name tag was "too I" (too high).

We spent the afternoon organizing school supplies. Always fun to sharpen a million pencils and label them. Although the boys DID think it was fun.

That night, since it was STILL raining, we head off to Chick-fil-A for kids night. Figured we'd fit in one last time before routines of school and hopefully some better eating!

Wednesday had FINALLY come, Tyler's first day of school (although only a half-day). Tyler was excited to get on his way. Of course it had to rain so we had to drive, but I walked him in to see him off on his way for the beginning of second grade!

For the record, after crying about "breeze-thru", Jason did quite a bit whining about WANTING to go to school when Ty left for his first day!

He came home and had had a great day! And we were happy to be right back in routines with karate that night. Hopefully it'll be a good year!

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