2010 got around to a rocky start. Tyler's cough was getting worse and then Jason started running a fever and developed a cough as well. Fun, fun.
We never got around to the gingerbread house making BEFORE Christmas, but this task couldn't be ignored. Luckily my mom had a kick-butt gingerbread house kit that was preassembled and just needed the decorating. She and Tyler worked on it on (I believe) New Year's Day (our traditional New Year's Day celebration at my aunt's house had been cancelled due to illness in their family). Tyler refused to copy the image on the box, opting for his own "design" instead.

Meanwhile Jason, still sick, wanted nothing other than being held and watching youtube videos.

On Saturday I ended up bringing both boys to the ped. The doctor said they were both just suffering from bad colds. Tyler's was "on it's way out" and Jason's was "just getting started". Unfortunately I could do nothing for Tyler other than using a humidifier, nose sunctioning thing, fluids, and Tylenol for the fever. Fun, fun.
My brother Chris was able to get a day pass to come home and visit for a few hours. We had my grandparents over for dinner, and otherwise just hung out.

Jason learned how to push things to the ottoman to assist him in climbing up. As you can tell, he was quite proud of himself!

Monday, finally Monday, had arrived, and Tyler was back at school. I could breathe a sigh of relief, as it had been a LONG and cold holiday break, mixed in with some pretty rotten behavior.
That afternoon Jason had his early intervention evaluation. The evaluation was completed by an occupational therapist and a teacher, which I found quite interesting to watch. After they evaluated him they went into the kitchen to write up the report and tally his scores. I was shocked to learn that I would have an answer right then as to whether he would qualify for services. Although I'm not surprised (I was the one who pushed for the evaluation) I was a little disappointed to see how delayed he was. He did in fact qualify for services based on his speech delays (his expressive speech tested at only 7 months of age) and was close to qualifying in other areas. I'm thrilled that I trusted my gut in this situation and know that he'll hopefully get the head start he needs to catch up.
On Tuesday Tyler finally had his appointment with the counselor. I was relieved (and mortified) that Tyler displayed exactly the types of behaviors I was worried about. He literally was bouncing on the couch, interrupting me, being rude, defiant, etc. They basically took a history and we'll be working on a plan in 2 weeks. Hopefully they can do something to help him before I lose it. He can be such a sweet boy, and then a switch goes off and he turns into a nutball.
On Wednesday Tyler had a library program, so Jason stayed with my parents while I brought Tyler there.
On friday I finally tested the ice and let Tyler "skate" with his shoes on our pond. Initially excited, he decided it wasn't that fun. Not surprising, being that it is about 2 by 3 feet. LOL.

Meanwhile Jason learned that he could bring people lotion bottles, sign "please", and he's get massages.
Saturday rolled around and Tyler was complaining quite a bit about missing his daddy. I found some old, likely to be unused, scrapbooking supplies and then had some pictures printed at Walgreens. I couldn't handle the indoors any longer, so we set off for the library for some books and movies and then went to pick up the pictures. Tyler had a ball making a "Tyler and Daddy" scrapbook. Oh, and our movie selection, Air Buds, was a hit with both boys.