Friday, November 18, 2011

a new phase begins

Monday had finally come (although I'm not sure I was ready for it)...Jason's first day of school. He had been placed in the afternoon preschool, so we spent the morning gearing up for school and putting together the cupcakes he'd be bringing into his class to celebrate his birthday.

All too soon he was off for his first day of preschool! He was very iffy, and there were some tears. But he did make it in the classroom.

I thought I would be an emotional mess, sitting at home worrying about him at school, but I guess it was lucky that I ended up having to go to the doctor's that day, due to the fact that my stomach pain from my Crohn's was still no better. They did some blood work and actually did allergy testing as well. Apparently I'm not allergic to any foods (which is frustrating...I'd love to know if certain foods bother me) but am still allergic to pollen and cats, and highly allergic to mold and dust. Also learned that I'm allergic to roaches. Good to know. LOL.

Meanwhile at school it happened to be class picture day. Tyler's of course went fine. Jason was none too pleased about the transition to the library for pictures and then was totally freaked by the bright lights. They got him to sit, crying, for the class picture, but they couldn't get him to sit for his individual picture. It's a shame, cause I totally would have bought an individual crying picture...what a great memory! LOL. I didn't want to post class pictures, so here is Tyler's individual pictures as well as the cropped version of Jason in his class picture. Note the tears. Poor guy.

Jason survived his first day of school! He apparently had a good day, with the exception of pictures, until the end of the day when they pack up. I guess they usually pack up and then have music class, but he was thrown off cause he thought he was already leaving, so he wouldn't cooperate. So, there were tears at the end of the day. He came out with this little birthday crown, and even though he didn't seem thrilled, he was so proud to "tell" his brother about his day at big boy school!

That evening Tyler was off to karate, while Jason moped around at home. Apparently preschool is tiring!

Tuesday morning Jason had his 3-year-old "well baby" (or is "child" now?) appointment.

Once Jason was off to his second day of preschool, I went in to help out with the H&S book fair. I wasn't even thinking that Jason's class would visit the book fair, so i got to see both of my boys while I was there when their classes came down to "browse". Jason was sooooo excited to see me, but of course wasn't happy when he had to leave me. Luckily they let me walk him back down to his classroom and then he was fine.

After school, when i was talking to his teacher she said "you're gonna have your hands full". Not typically what you'd want your son's preschool teacher to say on his 2nd day of school! Apparently there was an incident when he wanted another child's snack, so he shoved his snack across the table and proceeded to growl at everyone. Oh boy.

That night, karate again for Tyler.

Wednesday, day 3 of preschool, found me again volunteering in school for the book fair. I got to see both of my boys when they came down to shop, which was nice, and plenty of their friends as well.

That afternoon we had Connor over after school for a while, and were eventually joined by Mackenzie who was staying for a sleep over. Having not been feeling well myself, I was a little apprehensive about doing this, but they were very well behaved. Lots of Wii, crafting, food, and a movie. Good times.

After only 3 days of school for Jason, the boys had off on Thursday for Rosh Hashanah (hence why Tyler was allowed to have a sleep-over the night before). After dropping of Mackenzie at her house, I had planned on going out to buy supplies to finish Tyler's rainwater regatta boat for his scouting trip over the weekend. Jeanne and I realized that collectively we had enough supplies to do it, so I went to her house for the boys to work on their boats.

Afterwards we went to Conte's farm to go apple picking, only to discover that they were already out of apples! So reluctanly we went to Johnson's, knowing that we'd have to spend way more than we had planned. The boys had fun though on their hay ride and apple picking.

That night Jim and Cara came over and we all got to do foot bath detoxes. Interesting stuff.

By Friday was in a little bit more of a routine and set off for his last day of preschool for the week. I got to spend his preschool 2.5 hours packing for our scout camping trip that night. I managed to survive a full week of preschool without having any down time to myself to worry about things. Good and bad!


jamielblev said...

You are such an awesome mom!!

Heather said...

Awe, thanks Jamie!

Tiffany said...

Awww, Jason looks like such a big boy with his back pack! It is so hard to believe he is already three-years-old. Happy late birthday!

Tyler is also getting so big. You are doing an amazing job and I am so impressed with how well you blog about all the neat things you guys do.