That afternoon after camp the kids tried to keep cool with a waterballoon fight. Not very successful since it really was sooo hot. Tyler doesn't seem to mind so much (me and Jason are a whole other story).
By Tuesday the heat wave continued and it was downright unbearable to be outside.
Wednesday afternoon we packed up the bike trailer and made the long drive to Beach 1 (I'm so spoiled by living so close to Beach 3) to meet up with some friends. Jason enjoyed lounging in the very warm water and Tyler was busy jumping off the dock with friends until the lifeguard kicked off the kids that didn't have swim bands. They lifeguard then asked Ty if he wanted to test for his swimband. It involved swimming from one dock to the other and then treading water for 2 minutes. It was a very slow swim, but he made it, and seemed to have no problem with treading water. It didn't hurt that he had a few young female cheerleaders! He was so proud of himself for finally earning his swim band, which allows him to jump off the dock without a parent right with him. Big times!
Thursday was just plain disgusting hot. Too hot to do anything. I ended up meeting Beth at CFA for dinner so the kids could run around inside in the air conditioning. Afterwards we delivered dinner to my dad, Jim, and Cara who were doing demolition work at their new house. Congrats jim and cara on the new place! Later i took Ty to karate where it was still crazy hot. I had posted on facebook that, according to, at 7:31pm it was still 92 degrees and "feels like 103". That's sick.
On Friday morning I reluctantly sent Tyler off to an even hotter day at camp and later Jason and I attended another camp swim race of Tyler's. This time they did the back stroke.
Friday afternoon the boys had their appointments for their fillings at the dentist. Jason was quite happy reading his book about doing to the dentist during the drive there. He seems to do much better when you can prepare him as to what to expect. I also let him watch Tyler get started with his fillings, which of course Ty did fine with thanks to laughing gas. For jason's turn they warned me that they might only be able to do one filling that day, depending on how he did. If he was totally uncooperative we would have to likely go to a surgical center. Thankfully he was totally cooperative. He did have some trouble with choking and gagging, but it was strictly due to his oral motor issues I believe (nothing behavioral). We made the decision try to get all 3 fillings done and I did have to hold his hands down towards the end, but they said he actually did quite well for a child of his age. My poor baby.
Right from the dentist we had some good distraction of meeting the whole family at Golden Corral for dinner. My grandfather was due to go into surgery the following Tuesday so we wanted to all get together. My boys do love a buffet!
On Saturday it was so insanely hot that I could barely fathom leaving the house. However it was getting quite hot inside (the air conditioning just doesn't keep up) and the kids needed to burn some steam so my mom and I took the boys to use our Kids Bowl Free passes. I had just been explaining to my friend Katie how difficult Jason can be sometimes in certain situations (usually unpredictable). She said she always thought he seemed so happy, because she lives in AZ and I'm always posting happy pictures of him. So, just for Katie, here's a picture of Jason being miserable. The lights and sounds totally overwhelmed him. After 9 (yes, 9) frames of me and Tyler bowling he finally calmed down and stopped crying and decided to join us. And then of course he liked it. Go figure. Tyler of course had a blast.
When we got in the van to go home the dashboard showed and outdoor temperature reading of 105!!
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