Later Jason and I took off for Children's Hospital satellite facility in Voorhees for his ENT appointment that his neurologist requested. The ENT sent him for an immediate hearing test since it had been a year since his last one and this time he passed with flying colors. Last year they had been unable to determine if he could hear all tones but simply could say that he had normal hearing in "at least one ear". Now, due to the fact that he could cognitively participate with more testing, they were able to say his hearing was normal for both ears and that he can in fact hear tones. So that was a relief to finally put that behind us and remove that as a possible reason for his speech delays. Once he ruled out any hearing issues the ENT felt confident that there were no other concerns and we were sent on our way.
That evening after karate, smoothie time!
Tuesday morning Jason had his Early Intervention meeting (I think they do them every 6 months). No changes in anything, so I suppose that's good.
That afternoon Jason had his neurology follow-up appointment, so back to CHOP Voorhees we went. The neurologist agreed with the Developmental Pediatricians recommendation to do genetic testing and also ordered some metabolic testing. He said the metabolic testing was a more immediate concern so they sent us right next door to have that done immediately. It involved a urine sample and bloodwork. Due to the fact that Jason isn't even close to potty-trained they had to have me apply some sort of adhesive urine collector bag, which was oh so fun. Afterwards they did the bloodwork (also not fun) and sent us on our way. Since Jason still wouldn't pee we had to leave with him wearing the urine bag. He was traumatized. Poor little guy.
As soon as we returned from that appointment we left for Atlantic City. My mom had free tickets to use at the buffet in Atlantic City so my parents and myself brought the boys down for a meal, a stroll on the boardwalk, and a few rides. They were in the midst of a beach replenishment project, so that was apparently quite exciting to watch the big construction trucks on the beach.
For the record, 6 hours or so after the bag had been applied Jason still had not peed so I had to take it off for him to go to bed. The tears started again. So sad.
On Wednesday we again tried to get a urine sample. Many tears later he finally peed and the bag came lose and it was a total failure.
After camp my mom and the boys and myself went to Brown's Mills to pick up Christopher, go blueberry picking, and bring him home for a visit.
That evening me and the boys met up at the Red Lion Inn with my friend Jen, her brother and his girlfriend, and my friend Veronica and her husband and two kids. The restaurant was having a benefit for an animal shelter where 10% of the check would be donated to the cause. So we enjoyed a yummy meal and I got to try fried pickles and fried tomatoes for the first time. The fried tomatoes were delicious!! Afterwards we went back to my friend Jen's house to meet her chickens and new baby chicks. The kids also enjoyed rolling down the hill in her backyard and being lazy on the hammock. A nice night.
On Thursday we had our third attempt at the stupid urine bag (by this point Jason is now afraid of all diaper changes as well as stickers because they have adhesive...good times). After his OT session I noticed that we finally had success and had a little urine in the bag so I drove yet again to CHOP Voorhees to drop off the sample. Thankfully they seemed to believe that we had obtained enough of a sample and hopefully we won't have to do that again for a LONG time!
On Friday I attended Tyler's first ever camp swim races. Luckily they matched the boys pretty well with their skill level so Tyler did just fine against his small group. And he managed, for the first time with me ever seeing it, to swim from one dock to the other!
On Friday after camp my mom and I brought the boys to Hurricane Harbor. Unfortunately Jason wasn't really into it, but luckily my mom was able to keep an eye on him while I brought Tyler around to do some slides and such. I am afraid it was a very boring trip for my mom and Jason. Tyler and I will have to have a date day and go back because he loved it now that he's confident in the water. He even went on a big tube slide with me and had a blast. It totally reminded me, although it's not the highest quality camera, the reason why the waterproof camera i bought last year was totally justified.
On Saturday morning the boys and myself participated in a park clean-up with Junior Woman's. We didn't find as much trash at Brook's field as we expected, so we made our way over to the parking lot and beach area at Beach 1. Jason is a good little trash collector. He takes his work seriously.
Afternoon trip to the lake where Jason got to feed a duck right out of his hand. Shocked that the mommy duck allows the baby to just wander over and socialize with humans!
After 3 hours of mid-day lake time I thought for sure the boys would be good and tired and get to bed early. Instead we got a knock at the door from our neighbor inviting Tyler to the younger sister's impromptu birthday party at the lake. I already had plans to go out after the boys were in bed, but I let Tyler go anyway and my mom said he didn't get home until pretty late.
The next day Tyler was running a fever and said he didn't feel well. He pretty much lounged all day long. By the end of the day I finally realized that the "sore throat" he had been complaining about was localized to just his back tooth area. It appears he is finally getting a 6 year old molar. So it seems he was just run down from being tired and dealing with "teething". LOL.
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